Importance Of Wildlife Conservation

Importance Of Wildlife Conservation – The destruction of natural habitats and the demise of wildlife populations are some of the biggest problems facing the planet today. These enormous problems have been created by humans’ negative impact on various natural ecosystems, through activities such as building new cities, mining, agriculture, among other large-scale enterprises. A number of individuals and groups in different countries are lobbying for the protection of wild species, such as polar bears, tigers, etc. are also aimed at the protection of natural resources. Some conservation efforts are aimed at specific threats to specific species. Despite some major challenges and disappointments, the year 2019 saw many conservation success stories in different parts of the world. Here are some of them.

One of the conservation success stories of 2019 is the humpback whale. This particular species is found in the South Atlantic. A new study shows that the number of whales has increased from the brink of extinction, declining from 450 whales to 25,000 whales. In the early 20th century, intensive whaling drove the population of humpback whales in the western South Atlantic to just 450 individuals. In the 1960s, protection of the whales was adopted, and in the 1980s the International Whaling Commission announced a total ban on all commercial whaling. The study published in October 2019 on Royal Society Open Science showed that the population had increased significantly. The study also found that humpback whales play a significant role in stabilizing the food chain and maintaining healthy oceans. Whale faeces contain essential nutrients that can stimulate the growth of phytoplankton or microscopic algae that form the basis of the food chain in the oceans.  

Importance Of Wildlife Conservation

Importance Of Wildlife Conservation

Another conservation success story in 2019 is the restoration of the Danube Delta in Ukraine. Crowdfunding financed the conservation work related to rewilding. Rewilding refers to a gradual and progressive approach to conservation that allows nature to take care of itself by enabling natural processes to shape and repair damaged ecosystems. This approach is also important for restoring degraded landscapes. Some of the measures taken in the delta included the removal of ten outdated dams and the introduction of water buffalo to help restore the wildlife and earn some economic benefits for the community living around the delta. The point where the Black Sea meets the Danube is the largest wetland area in Europe. Rewilding is one of the methods used to protect and restore the delta. Water buffalo were introduced in May 2019. A herd of seven animals was introduced on Ermakov Island in the Danube Delta. Buffaloes have a positive effect because they prevent one plant species from becoming dominant. Buffalo dung is a food source for insects. The buffalo also make small pools for amphibians. 

Ways To Celebrate World Wildlife Day To Foster Conservation

One of the success stories of 2019 is China’s efforts to stop the threat of illegal wildlife trade from Africa. In March 2019, workshops were held in Kenya and Botswana for Chinese citizens working and living in both countries. The aim of the workshop was to raise awareness of wildlife trafficking. More than 200 Chinese nationals from private and state-owned enterprises participated. In recent times there has been a huge expansion of investment in Africa by the Chinese. Likewise, there has been a corresponding increase in wildlife trafficking involving Chinese nationals. The main driver of illegal wildlife trade is the demand from the Chinese consumer, and this has threatened various animal species in Africa such as rhinos, elephants and pangolins. This year, China took a major step when it banned the commercial processing of rhinoceros, closed its domestic ivory market and further tightened the country’s laws on trade in endangered species.

In November 2019, the scientific journal Nature Ecology and Evolution announced the discovery of the silverback chevrotain (Tragulus versicolor). The species is a deer-like mammal, about the size of a kitten or rabbit. It is listed by Global Wildlife Conservation as the first mammal of the 25 most wanted mammal species to be rediscovered after being lost. Before its rediscovery in 2019, there was only one record of the species since 1907, collected on the southern coast of Vietnam near Nha Trang. The mammal is neither a mouse nor a deer, but it is the smallest hanging thing in the world. 

A small, solitary puppy was found in the Victorian town of Wandiligong in August 2019. The dog was initially thought to be a fox or a dog, but DNA test results indicated the puppy was a purebred dingo. The Alpedingo in Australia is an endangered species on the brink of extinction. The dingo puppy was named Wandi, which is derived from the name of the town where it was rescued. There are currently 40 dingoes in the breeding program and Wandi has already joined.  

On 11 September 2019, Italian researchers at the Avantea laboratory announced that they had succeeded in creating two embryos of the actively extinct northern white rhinoceros. The embryos were created using eggs taken from the last two female northern white rhinos and frozen sperm extracted from two dead males. Both embryos in Italy are preserved in liquid nitrogen. According to researchers, the embryos will be implanted into southern white rhinos as surrogate mothers. About five years ago, it would hardly have been credible that the northern white rhino would return.

Comprehensive Information On Wildlife Conservation 1

The California condor is America’s largest land bird and is one of the New World vultures. The scientific name is Gymnogyps californianus. In the early 1980s there were only 22 birds in the wild and a breeding program was established in 1987. The same year it was declared extinct in the wild. After breeding, they were gradually released into the wild and in May 2019 the 1000th chick was hatched. According to the IUCN, the condor in California is listed as critically endangered. The total living population of the species currently exceeds 500.     

The largest Bermuda land snail (Poecilozonites bermudensis) is among the oldest endemic animals in Bermuda. The snails have survived many changes in the ecology and landscape of the Bermuda Islands for over a million years. Beginning in the 1950s and 1960s, their population declined dramatically as a result of the introduction of various predatory snails and changes in their habitats. In the 1990s they were thought to have disappeared until 2014 when they were discovered in Hamilton. Some snails were sent to Chester Zoo in the UK for a breeding programme. The breeding was so successful and now there are around 13,000 snails. In June 2019, more than 4,000 snails were brought back and released into the wild in Bermuda.

It is believed that 50 years ago there were less than 200 breeding pairs or Kirtland’s warblers (Dendroica kirtlandii) in the forests of Wisconsin, Michigan and Ontario. Through aggressive conservation efforts, their habitats have been successfully managed to mimic natural processes that have reduced the number of tawny birds (involved in brood parasitism on song nests). The bird, which was the first to be listed in the US Endangered Species Act, was recommended for delisting in 2019. The recovery of the Kirtland Warbler is one of the best examples of what it takes to save endangered species.

Importance Of Wildlife Conservation

Australian trout cod is one of 2019’s conservation success stories. In December 2019, the IUCN removed the species from threatened status and it was classified as vulnerable on the organization’s red list. The move was the result of decades of conservation action. The focus has been on establishing subpopulations through reintroduction as well as wild to wild translocation.

Wildlife Conservation: Theme, Importance, And Other Details

Despite the many successes seen in 2019, challenges were also seen during the year and it is believed that animals disappeared during the year. One such example is the Hawaiian snail (

). The last known individual of the species died on New Year’s Day in a laboratory tank in Hawaii. The snail is now believed to be extinct, and not a single one has been found in the wild for over 20 years. Achatinella apexfulva, like other native Hawaiian snails, has become extinct because the Hawaii State Department of Agriculture introduced the invasive rosy wolf snail. The aim was to eradicate another invasive species that had been introduced earlier. However, the strategy had an unintended consequence. The swallowed wolf snail Achatinella apexfulva. 

Of the animals thought to be extinct in 2019, most are islanders. Animals on islands are thought to have relatively small populations and small habitats, and are essentially the most affected by one development or one disaster. For example, the Bramble Cay melomys (Melomys rubicola), which is believed to have disappeared in February 2019, lived on a small island of 12 acres in the northern part of Australia. When such small habitats are destroyed, the animals will

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