Dog Training Tips

Dog Training Tips – Today’s post comes from guest contributor Amber Kingsley.   This information is not intended to refute, replace, or serve as a substitute for information obtained from licensed professionals.  

Remember when we were little and our parents told us that if we were good boys and girls, we would definitely get gifts from Santa Claus. When Christmas came, sure enough, there were presents under the tree for us. On the one hand, this is how positive reinforcement works, namely rewards for good behavior.

Dog Training Tips

Dog Training Tips

While most dogs may not want to wait until December 25th to get a treat, this technique is still a successful training tool. In some cases, teaching an animal certain behaviors can save its life, keep it away from wild animals or keep it off the streets, depending on whether you come from a rural or suburban environment.

How To Speed Up Your Dog Training

Remember to use positive reinforcement techniques wisely so that you don’t trick or bribe your dog into performing certain behaviors. It is also important to know when to use treats or praise at times that will provide the best results.

For example, if your dog is used to barking at any noise outside and you let him out every time he barks, you are rewarding him with access to the yard for this often unwanted and noisy behavior. Instead, try training him to stop barking and rewarding him with treats or affection when he does as told.

You have to be patient when practicing and you can use behavioral shaping to get the end result you are looking for. Let’s say you are teaching your dog to shake your hand. First, he simply lifts his feet off the ground. Then you can ask him to lift it higher until his feet reach your hands.

Getting your dog to be the best he can be can be done through the use of positive training methods. Check out this infographic on 30 Positive Reinforcement Training Tips for Your Pet. Remember that animals are as responsive to love and affection as they are to inclination. 

How To Train A Dog Training Tips For Beginners

Amber Kingsley is a freelance journalist and member of a pet/animal welfare group in her hometown of Santa Monica who has donated countless hours to support her local shelter’s operations and outreach.  He spent most of his research writing about animals; food, health and training. Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting time! But it can become overwhelming when you start wondering what to teach your puppy, when to do it, how to do it, and in what order to do it! In this blog we share a complete puppy training schedule that you can follow to make it easier on your puppy and get your dog off to the best (and best behaved!) start.

This is the vision we all dream of as puppy parents. A puppy ambles beside you or lies peacefully at your feet in an outdoor cafe. But there are certain steps you need to take to ensure your puppy has the proper training to achieve this!

In the beginning, that perfect puppy will come with growing pains: biting, chewing, urinating, barking, and that’s just the beginning! Your puppy grows and develops quickly. After being home for a few weeks, your puppy should be introduced to a daily routine and undergo obedience training, including learning basic commands.

Dog Training Tips

So how do you know where to start training your puppy first? No matter what age you bring your new puppy home, you can use our puppy training schedule as a guide to help your puppy grow, develop, and learn the good behaviors they need at home and in the world to help shape them into perfection. the puppy you imagined!

Puppy Training Tips For New Owners

Let’s dive into three important things to remember and use to your advantage in training your new puppy:

Your puppy’s food is a phenomenal resource and one of the best tools you can use to train your puppy! In the early puppy months, making your puppy work for his food is a very easy way to get and keep his attention on you, reward him for doing so, and create a positive association with looking to you for direction!

At The Puppy Academy, our students prepare their own lunches at school with food they eat at home, and we use that food for their training. This is also part of the foundation of our online training school. In both programs, you will often hear us recommend that our puppy parents keep a bag of treats in or near them during the early weeks with their new puppy at home. (Don’t worry, you can and will stop doing this as they get older!) Access to your puppy’s food goes a long way towards distracting them from doing something you don’t want them to do, getting them to come to you, yes focus on you to build a lead-based relationship and reward them for their good behavior to encourage them to do it again!

It’s easy to get frustrated with the puppy training process. Puppies are young and still figuring out the world, so they will make mistakes, get distracted, and easily lose focus. It takes time to establish communication between you and your puppy, so don’t expect them to succeed on the first try!

Dog Training Tips Infographic

To get them moving more quickly, maintain a consistent schedule for your pup. We recommend that all of our students use a daily puppy schedule that includes potty breaks, feeding and playtime, puppy training sessions, and nap time! This will help your puppy learn to understand the daily routine at home, feel confident and safe, provide structure, and encourage good behavior.

The saying “practice makes perfect” is absolutely true when it comes to puppy training! You should schedule several short practice sessions each day to learn and practice the commands. With a young puppy, you may only be able to hold his attention for 5-10 minutes, and about 10-15 minutes with an older puppy. A great time to practice is during your puppy’s mealtimes, as they have to work to get breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Keep these training sessions short, fun, and motivating for your pup so they can’t wait to do it again and again! Once your puppy has received his vaccinations, start practicing his training routine in different outdoor locations. This will help reinforce his commands and encourage the same good behavior wherever you take your puppy!

Dog Training Tips

Now that we’ve covered these three main topics, it’s time to start your puppy training schedule! We’ve created a basic puppy training schedule starting at two months (8 weeks) that you can use as your puppy grows through its first year! If your puppy is older and hasn’t learned everything listed here, come back to fill in some missing areas as needed.

Dog Training Tips With Zak George: 7 Must Do Training Hacks

It is important to remember that every puppy learns at a different pace, so some puppies may take longer at certain stages, while others may progress to advanced training more quickly. Follow your puppy’s steps and don’t rush him if he’s not ready to move on to the next step!

This is the age when many new puppy owners bring their new puppy home. At this stage of your puppy’s life, they should learn the basics like names, good house manners, introducing some commands, and some early socialization.

For help teaching your puppy these commands, visit our blog, Puppy Training 101: Giving Your Puppy Commands, the Right Way! ” and “ Puppy Training 101: How to Get Your Puppy to Respond When It Comes! “

For more help with potty training, pooping and getting your puppy to come to you, watch our free masterclass:

Basic Dog Training Tips

Your puppy starts to grow quickly and you can start doing more complex training routines with the commands he has learned!

At this point, your puppy should start following his commands outside the house and in public places, as well as continuing to socialize!

Your puppy should know all his basic commands and have a solid foundation for potty training, crate training, and socialization. From now on, you will continue to train your puppy to reinforce what he has learned!

Dog Training Tips

If this sounds like a LOT – we understand – IT IS!! But we also know how to make it really simple for you. Follow our complete puppy training plan and learn all the routines we mentioned above while working with our expert puppy trainers with The Puppy Academy online school! Created for busy new puppy parents, we’ve taken all the guesswork out, giving you an easy-to-follow step-by-step template, AND you have access to our professional trainers to get answers to all your puppy questions all year long! We support you and we will make puppies

Essential Dog Training Tips ✓

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