Biological Study Of Animals

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Biological Study Of Animals

Biological Study Of Animals

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Taxonomy, in general, is the science of classification, but more strictly the classification of living and extinct organisms, that is, biological classification. The term comes from Greek

(the law”). Thus, taxonomy is the methodology and principle of systematic flora and fauna that organizes plant and animal species into hierarchies of superior and subordinate groups. Among biologists, Linnaeus’ binomial nomenclature system, created by the Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus in 1750, is accepted internationally.

Used on any reptile, such as snakes, earthworms, worms or dragons, and on any aquatic body or vessel. Although the term

, there are more anatomical differences between crustaceans and starfish than between bony fish and humans. Local languages ​​have different names. The American robin

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Biologists, on the other hand, attempt to treat all organisms with the same precision and to classify them formally. Official classifications provide a basis for relatively uniform and internationally understood names, thus simplifying interconnection and access to information.

It differs in biological classification. American evolutionist Ernest Mayer argued that “taxonomy is the theory and practice of classifying organisms” and “systematics is the science of biodiversity.” The latter, in this sense, does not require taxonomy with evolution, ecology, genetics, behavior and comparative physiology.

People who live in nature are usually familiar with the elements of native fauna and flora that are important to them, and are familiar with many larger species (e.g., fish, birds, and mammals). In their view, by necessity, such people are rare.

Biological Study Of Animals

However, some of the oldest, but limited, classifications were made by the ancient Chinese and ancient Egyptians. A catalog of 365 medicinal plants in China became the basis for further hydrological research. Although attributed to the mythical Chinese emperor Shennong, who lived around 2700 AD, the catalog may have been written at the beginning of the first millennium. Likewise, ancient Egyptian medical documents from the 1700s to 1600s provide descriptions of various medicinal plants, as well as instructions on how to use them to treat illnesses and injuries.

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The first great generalizer of Western classification was Aristotle, who essentially invented the science of logic, of which classification has been a part for 2,000 years. The Greeks had always been in contact with the sea and marine life, and Aristotle appears to have studied them carefully during his stay on the island of Lesbos. In his writings he describes many natural groups and, although he classifies them from simple to complex, his order is not evolutionary. He was, however, well ahead of his time in classifying invertebrates into different groups, recognizing that whales, dolphins and porpoises had mammalian characteristics (i.e. observational characteristics or characteristics of organisms) and were not fish. Not having a microscope, he couldn’t handle the tiny life forms.

The Aristotelian method dominated classification until the 19th century. His project, in fact, to classify the character of an organism, that is, what it really is, as superficial differences, requires the examination of many samples, the discarding of variable characters (since they must be accidental, of necessity), and the creation of regular characters. These are then used to create definitions that describe the nature of the organism, what makes it so immutable. The essence obviously does not change. A model of this kind is found in mathematics, particularly geometry, which the Greeks liked. Mathematics seemed to them to be the type and model of perfect knowledge, since whatever perfect geometric figure was drawn, its deduction from the axioms was clear and perfect in definition. But the Aristotelian order applied to living things cannot be deduced from the stated and known axioms. It is rather an input of observed instances, and therefore leads not to an immutable essence, but to a dictionary definition. Although over the centuries he provided a sequence of attempts to identify organisms through biological analysis, he ignored the evolution of organisms. Charles Darwin is the interest of the few who understand him

Aristotle and his botany student Theophrastus had no notable successors for 400 years. Around the 12th century, herbaria began to include accurate descriptions of plants, and many began to put similar plants together. Encyclopedists also began to bring together classical wisdom and contemporary observations. The first flowering of biology in the Renaissance was Andreas Vesalius’s treatise on human anatomy in 1543 and the first university botanical garden in Padua, Italy, in 1545. After this period work in botany and zoos flourished. John Ray summarized the systematic knowledge available at the end of the 17th century and organized it into useful categories. In 1703 he distinguished monocots from dicots, recognized the true affinity of cetaceans and vividly defined the concept of species, which has since become the basic unit of biological classification. He embodied the logic of Aristotle’s classification through empirical observation. To understand how all living things are connected, animals must be classified. The species are ordered according to their characteristics according to the Linnaean method. The animal classification system was established in 1700 by the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus.

Linnaean animal taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms, also known as the Linnaean method. This method gives scientific names to animals from Latin. For example, wolves are classified as Canis lupus.

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The more characteristics an animal provides, the more specific the animal classification group will be. A basic method of biological classification is as follows:

Chordates belong to the phylum Chorda, which are animals that have a chordate at some stage in their development. They have a hollow neural tube and a pharyngeal air sac and hold a post-anal tail. The arrangements are bilaterally symmetrical, triangular, and aligned with the degree of organization of the organ system. The body has a closed circulatory system.

Chordates are animals that do not have a notochord, an elastic, rod-shaped structure that supports the body. This includes marine species such as helminths. The sexual organs are indistinguishable. There are two forms of sexual and sexual reproduction. Respiration of non-chordate animals occurs through wounds, bronchioles, or body surfaces.

Biological Study Of Animals

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