Animal Instincts Analysis

Animal Instincts Analysis – Instincts are the innate tendencies of organisms toward specific complex behaviors that have an innate (maternal) element. The simplest example of instinctive behavior is fixed action patterning (FAP), in which a series of very short to medium-sized movements is performed without change in response to a well-defined stimulus.

Any behavior is instinctive if it is performed without prior experience (that is, without training).

Animal Instincts Analysis

Animal Instincts Analysis

Therefore, it is an expression of innate biological factors. The sea turtles that had just washed up on the beach instinctively swam toward the sea. Marsupials are born by crawling into their mother’s pouch. Other examples include animal fighting, animal courtship behavior, internal escape features, and nesting. Although instinct is defined by its innate unchanging characteristics, the details of its execution can be modified through experience; for example, a dog can improve its listing skills with practice.

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Instincts are complex innate behavioral patterns present in members of most species and must be distinguished from reflexes, which are simple responses of an organism to specific stimuli, such as an eye twitch in response to bright light or a convulsive reflex. Movement of the lower legs, pressure on the knees. Lack of volitional capacity should not be confused with an inability to change fixed patterns of action. For example, humans can change a motivated ongoing pattern of behavior by consciously identifying its activation point and simply ceasing execution, whereas animals lacking a sufficiently powerful ability cannot escape their ongoing pattern of behavior once activated. .

Jean-Héry Fabre (1823-1915) is said to be the first person to study small animals (except birds) and insects, and is especially good at studying insect instincts.

Fabre believed that instinct is a series of interrelated behaviors that the body experiences unconsciously in response to external conditions.

He came to this conclusion after observing how insects and wild birds repeat certain behaviors in response to new situations.

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Although this instinctive behavior seems complex, insects and animals do not adjust their behavior, although this does not help them in this new situation.

Fabre believes that instincts are of a “fixed type,” meaning that these relevant behaviors do not change in response to new viral situations.

All of the wasp species he studied displayed some type of behavior when catching prey, which Fabre called patterns.

Animal Instincts Analysis

Fabre intervened in the capture of the bride, and only one species adjusted its behavior to cope with this unfamiliar arrest.

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Fabre explained this contradiction by saying that anyone who deviates from the norm of his species is merely an exception.

Fabre believed that instinct was fixed, which contradicted the theory of evolution. He denied that one species could evolve into another, or that human consciousness could be acquired through the evolution of unconscious traits.

Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) is famous for founding the first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig in 1879.

He was able to draw conclusions about instincts through careful observation of animal and human behavior.

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To better explain Wundt’s research, Claudia Wassmann analyzed a wide range of sources. These include some of Wundt’s early papers, which reflect the unconscious mind better than his later, more famous studies.

His paper concluded that he believed that unconscious processes (which he called “instinctive movements”) were the result of feelings and emotions, and that these unconscious processes were the building blocks of consciousness.

One example of Wundt’s conclusions about unconscious processes from his studies were children’s facial expressions in response to sweet, sour, and bitter tastes.

Animal Instincts Analysis

He concluded that such expressions on children’s faces were due to children avoiding unpleasant sensations because of having something unpleasant in their mouths, and that these instincts (which he used in place of reflexive movements) were simply innate, Because past generations have learned this. This suits them. alive

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Wundt explained the process by which instincts exist as natural selection. More specifically, his research shows that natural selection induces small changes in the nervous system over time.

Another thing to note is that Wundt used the terms unconscious processes, reflex movements, and instinctive movements interchangeably and often combined them.

According to Sigmund Freud, the physical image of the body’s needs expressed in the form of physical desires are called instincts.

As research became more rigorous and terms more clearly defined, instinct became less popular as an explanation of human behavior. In 1932, MacDougall argued that the term “instinct” was more appropriate to describe animal behavior, while he suggested the term “tendency” to describe the goal-directed combination of many innate human abilities that are broad and variable. are highly adaptable and highly adaptable.

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In the 1950s, psychologist Abraham Maslow argued that humans no longer have instincts because we have the ability to override them in certain situations. He feels that the so-called instinct is often vaguely defined and actually amounts to a strong “drive”. For Maslow, instinct was something insurmountable, so while the term used to apply to humans, it no longer applies.

Interest in innate behavior was revived in the 1950s by Konrad Lorz and Nicholas Tinberg, who distinguished between instinctive and learned behavior. Our modern understanding of instinctive animal behavior owes much to their work. For example, a bird has a sensitive period during which it learns the identity of its mother. Goosebumps rose on Conrad Lotz’s boots. Then the goose follows a man in boots. This suggests that the ewe’s identity is learned, but the cow’s behavior is instinctive to feel who it perceives as its mother.

In 1960, at a conference of luminaries in the field chaired by Frank Beach, a pioneer in comparative psychology, the scope of the term instinct was narrowed.

Animal Instincts Analysis

In the 1960s and 1970s, there was still some discussion in textbooks about instinctive human behavior. As of 2000, a survey of 12 best-selling introductory psychology textbooks revealed only one mention of instinct, and that was Sigmund Freud’s reference to the “id” instinct.

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Psychologist Richard Herrnstein writes: “McDougall’s instinct theory and Skinner’s reinforcement theory reflect the contrast between nature and nurture, revealing the nature-nurture relationship used in behavior analysis. The striking and often overlooked similarities between both sides of the debate.”

F. B. Mandal proposed a set of criteria according to which behavior can be considered instinctive: (a) automatic, (b) resistant, (c) arising at some point in development, (d) caused by certain events in the environment Triggering, (e) occurs in every member of the species, (f) is immutable, and (d) controls behavior that the organism does not need to learn (although the organism can benefit from experience, so the behavior is variable) .

Amanda Spink points out in Informed Behavior: Evolutionary Instinct (2010, pp. 35-42), “Instinct is currently understood in behavioral science as what humans do without An inherent part of behavior formed by any training or education.” He claimed that the view of informed behavior has an instinctive basis, based on recent thinking on human behavior. Furthermore, he noted that “behaviors such as cooperation, sexuality, parenting, and aesthetics are also considered to be ‘evolved psychological mechanisms’ with an instinctive basis.”

Spink adds that Steve Pinker also asserts in his book The Language Instinct (1994) that language acquisition is human instinct. In 1908, William McDougall wrote of the “instinct of curiosity” and the “sense of wonder” that accompanies it.

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Examples of behaviors that do not require thinking include many reflexes. Stimuli in a reflex may not require brain activity but may travel as information carried through the body along pathways called reflex arcs to the spinal cord. Reflexes are similar to fixed action patterns in that most reflexes meet the criteria for fixed action patterns. However, fixed patterns of movement can also be processed in the brain; the instinctive attack of male sticklebacks on any red object during mating season is one example. Examples of instinctive human behaviors include many primitive reflexes, such as rooting and sucking, which are behaviors found in mammals. In rats, innate responses have been shown to be related to specific chemicals that are detected by two organs located in the nose: the vomeronasal organ (VNO) and the main olfactory epithelium (ME).

Some instinctive behaviors are related to the maturation process. For example, we usually refer to birds that “learn” to fly. However, baby birds grow up in devices that prevent their wings from moving until they are old enough to fly. The birds immediately fly and are often released, suggesting that their progress is due to neuromuscular maturation rather than true training.

This complex response can include visual, auditory, and olfactory cues in the body’s environment. In some cases, imprinting is a supplement

Animal Instincts Analysis

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